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IT Sniglets

A sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary but isn't. Sniglets are the brainchild of comedian Rich Hall who, with a little help from his friends, wrote a series of books containing sniglets in the mid-eighties. With a little help from Rich Hall and our readers, here are some IT-related sniglets we think should be in the dictionary but aren't:

Execuglide - to maneuver oneself around the room while seated in a wheeled office chair.

Animousity - vigorously clicking your pointer device because a page is loading too slowly.

Screen spasm - pages that try to load simultaneously on your computer screen as a direct result of your animousity.

Prairedogged - the feeling of helplessness that overtakes you when co-workers in neighboring cubicles constantly pop their heads up to ask you stupid questions.

Cellphonic appraisal - the activity that occurs when a ringing cell phone causes everyone in the room to check and see if it's theirs.

Dopeler effect- the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Dot gone - last year's e-commerce hopeful.

Tacitician - a conference call participant who performs non-work related tasks without being overheard.

Fonesia - the affliction that strikes when you dial a phone number and forget whom you were calling just as they answer.

Egotictic - the amount of time wasted because you stubbornly refuse to look it up in the manual.

WAPathy - lack of interest in wireless technology.

Crapplet - a poorly written or totally useless Java applet.

Zen mail - an e-mail message that arrives without text in the message body.

Squish Date 10/14/2002

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