Courses for Women 1. Silence, the final frontier: Where no woman has gone before. 2. The undiscovered side of Banking: How to make deposits. 3. Combating the Imelda Marcos Syndrome: You don't need new shoes everyday. 4. Learn how not to inflict your Diets on other people. 5. Nag Nag Nag - how to overcome your tendency to be a fish wife. 6. An invitation to a party does not mean that you have to have a new outfit. 7. Man Management: Discover how the garbage can wait until after the game. 8. Personal Space: Leaving at least enough space in the bathroom cupboard for your partners toothbrush. 9. Valuation: Just because it's not important to you. 10. Communication Skills I: Tears as the last resort and not the first. 11. Communication Skills II: How to think before speaking. 12. What he really wants: Is buying the right razor blades so difficult.