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A Round of Golf?

One day, God said, "It's 5 o'clock and everyone come back tomorrow." He turned to St. Peter and said, "Hey Pete, let's go play a round of golf before I have to sit on the throne to Heaven." St. Peter replied, "Great, where would you like to go?"

God said, "Let's go to the moon, they have low gravity and you can hit the ball a mile there." To which St. Peter replied, "No, its too cold there."

So God said, "Let's go to the sun, they have plenty of light and you never lose your ball."

St. Peter countered with, "It's too hot for my taste God"

So God suggested, "Saturn is great, you get some funky shots off those rings!"

St. Peter said, " That is a long way to go for an afternoon round of golf, but I tell you what Lord, why don't we go to the Earth? It's right under our feet and they build the greatest courses in the most beautiful places on the planet with water hazards and sand traps!"

To which God replied, "No, I don't think so, seems I knocked up this Jewish girl there a couple of thousand years ago and they have never let me live it down!"

Squish Date 01/09/2002

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