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Q: Did you hear Laura Bush is pregnant?
A: Yeah. Dubya thought the Secret Service was adequate protection.

Q: Why is Bush taking an aggressive stand against China?
A: He's not going to let them pull a Pearl Harbor on us again.

Q: What do George W. and Laura Bush have in common?
A: They're both widely believed to have blown a little dope.

Q: Why is 2001 like 1991?
A: There's a Bush in the White House and we're going into a recession.

Q: Why would it be bad if Dick Cheney died?
A: No President

Q: George W. Bush has become known for giving light-hearted nicknames to members of Congress and other government officials. What's their light-hearted nickname for him?
A: "Mr. President"

Q: How long does it take George W. Bush to read a book?
A: No one knows--it hasn't happened yet.

Squish Date 09/10/2001

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